Friday, October 30, 2009

He Bleeds Blue

Jay-Z performed "Empire State of Mind" at the Yankees world series game last night. Love the song love the performance. My favorite part however, the shots of the teams. Apparently baseball players all have the same move, bobbing the head.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pretty Darn Awkward

This is one of the most awkward pictures ever. That is just weird I think we can all agree on that, right?

I feel bad for him too. He's really into it, and she's eh not so much.

Dress Lust

I finally bought another dress. Thank goodness! I have a thing for dresses...well clothes really but dresses and shoes especially.

I love this dress. I am not that big of a fan of Reese Witherspoon. I think she's cute and I always enjoy Sweet Home Alabama but other then that I've kind of gotten over her. She looks fantastic and she's been filming a lot maybe she'll make a comeback.

The shoes though. This outfit doesn't work and it's upsetting. The shoes make the difference. Still love the dress though.

Genes We All Want

Jude Law's children are destined to be attractive. That much is basic knowledge, this picture confirms it. Its the hair, non? The wave is perfectly quaffed.

I kind of love that all three boys look just the same and wearing kind of the same outfit. It makes you wonder what they think about having Jude Law for a father. I would bet he's a pretty good one but that's because he makes a great Mr. Napkinhead.

Also, the sweater which his elder son is wearing has an emblem. I want that sweater!

The Second Coming

So it was suggested by popYEAH! that Suri Cruise was the new me, based on this photo. I do have a thing for my red toms and cupcakes are my jam!

But anyway, I have go to say while the parents are on the crazy side, the daughter is adorable. And I am totally honored to have a new me. Usually I don't like to be replaced but I'll give it to her.

I love this picture though. She looks so old and so cute. The dress is to die for, and she looks better in heels then most woman. Just saying...

Second Take

This picture is a little old but all I could see when I looked at it was "Is that Taylor's hand?!?"
It's not but i was a little worried that it was. I love it when pictures make stuff like that happen. It gives me a nice laugh.

As for the really subjects of the picture. I dig it. They're cute. But no matter how old that boy looks he will always be sharkboy.


Zachary Quinto attended the Hollywood Awards and accepted the the award for the movie of the year on behalf of the Star Trek cast and crew.

"Gee, I'm shocked the online community chose to honor Star Trek!"

Get it......

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pretty Anne

Anne Hathaway was honored at the Empire State Pride Agenda Fall Dinner in New York this past week for her support of the LGBT community.

She looks amazing. It's bananas! Remember when she was young and awkward a.k.a in The Princess Diaries. Anne is brilliant, and works with the greats because of it. Julie Andrews and Meryl Streep. My heros! Thank goodness Anne is worthy.

The dress.

I Do Believe In Fairies!

This is hideous. Both the person and the dress. I really really dislike Sienna Miller. I also dislike that people think she has talent. She's doing a show on Broadway right now. I'm pretty sure I know more people in my theatre department who are more talented.

It's really sad because I absolutely love her co-star Johnny Lee Miller. Love him to death. But she ruins it for me.

The dress, who are you Tinkerbell? Don;t you dare ruin Peter Pan for me either!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Not Blunt at All

Emily Blunt is worthy. She is beautiful and not annoying and talented and I love her. She deserves John. John deserves a great girl.

I love this dress...what else is new right? But this is the kind of woman that everyone woman should want to be. Classy, intelligent, and funny. The trifecta.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Best Workplace Ever

popYEAH! posted this video a day or so ago but i feel the need to pass it along to as many people as possible. I want to do this. End of sentence.

We Need More Corbin's

Here a quote straight from a website which focuses on great things that happen and inspire us all.

"A five year old boy in my town had leukemia. His wish for Make-a-Wish was to spend a day with Corbin Bleu (an actor in High School Musical), and he had a blast. Yesterday was the boy's funeral. Corbin flew into our town with his dad and attended the funeral as a pallbearer. His selflessness GMH."

The thing that moved me the most about it. I didn't see it on some website about celebrities. No publicity. He did it for the boy.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Lipton is the Man

So the other Clare, who my is my stage manager for the show which is keeping me from posting has some great connections...her boyfriend Brandon goes to Pace University which may be familiar to some of you (ehem...Courtney and Theo) because it serves as the backdrop for Inside the Actors Studio. Hosted by the wonderful James Lipton, the man is brilliant...

I love this show and I have favorite episodes don't judge me. Anyway we spent a good amount of time searching for him in an episode and found him. The episode is Conan O'Briens and he is sitting in the front row...jealous. Fast forward to the 2:15 mark and take a look at the cutie in the black shirt. That's Brandon...

Again, jealous.

Dear John,

Channing Tatum. Amanda Seyfriend. Nicholas Sparks. I. Am. In.

Not to mention that Channing in a button down and a sweater is so much sexier then shirtless. I like clothes...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pants Are Important

Fact: boy who knows how to wear pants equals attractive. Jason Lewis know this and here he is rocking the well fitting pants.

Take a hint guys, if you're not wearing the right clothes then its awful. I know it's picky, just get used to it. No one ever mocks me when i say that someones suit doesn't fit well, because it's more noticable. But the jeans count too. Good jeans can make or break it.


Friday, October 9, 2009

Some AC to Fill Friday

Anderson Cooper oh how you make me swoon. You are just the brilliance. He glows, literally and figuratively. How does he pull off that hair? He shouldn't be able to. I wonder what it takes to maintain?

Anyway, he is just my happy friday night lovely.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Girl Crushing

Leighton Meester might be my ultimate girl crush. I mean the girl is stunning but she is also amazing. And you know how i know that...because she gets Sebastian. You know how I swoon for Sebastian Stan. I wonder if she even swooned.

But anyway. I love Leighton because she is young and beautiful and has the best clothes. I just want to be friends with her and I'll just drool over her boyfriend. It would be a completely non-sensical relationship and I would love every minute of it.

You Look Familiar

Rob Kardashian was spotted getting a manicure earlier this week.
This I do not have a problem with. I do have a problem with it when you go to get your hair cut or your nails done(which I never do) and the place in empty. It's just like picking a restaurant. Are you going to eat a restaurant that is practically empty? Only if you know it will be worth it. But it still makes you uncomfortable.

The only thing that I saw when I looked at this though was the striking resemblance to one of my bosses. Well kind of bosses. No names just initials. MP. That's all. But it freaked me out hard core.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Don't Forget About Dave

Dave Annabele is sexy. Very very sexy. Back in the day when I had time to do things like watch television I watched Brothers and Sisters. It is a great show and I mean come on with that cast more people should be watching it.

I will watch anything with Rob Lowe really. He will always be a hunk, even if it isn't the 80's. But Dave Annabele saves that show sometimes. He is a good guy who just always looks good. And I eat it up.

Malin Mistake

Here is Malin Akerman at the premier of Couples Retreat. I won't lie she was out-shined hard core by the lovely Kristen Bell but this dress is totally confusing me.

At first glance I thought she looked gorgeous and then I really looked at her. I hate when naturally pretty girls over do it. Poor thing. I might see your movie still...maybe.

All Over the Duffster

Hilary Duff on Gossip Girl last night. Love, love, loved her. She looked adorable and I have always like her. But she pulls off gossip girl better then Blake. The only thing missing from the episode was Carter, Sebastian always does it for me. I needed a nice swoon...

Anyway, Hilary was brilliant and they styled her really really well. The only thing that I despise about Gossip Girl is usually the clothes. Especially during the winter. I live in Chicago and I would venture a guess as to say that it gets to be just as cold in New York as here. During the winter, clothes go out the window.

Function is key. Layers are key. Not for Gossip Girl though. Never. Why wear boots when you can wear heels right?

I have to admit though, love her top.

Betty Balances

Ugly Betty has been taping in the resort Atlantis for an upcoming episode. I have always wanted to go there, admittedly ever since Holiday in the Sun with Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. That movie was money for the Atlantis.

All I can think of when I see this picture is how has she not fallen? It makes me nervous for America. That was funny...

That's a little risky if you ask me. Not to mention that the season premiere has been pushed back almost a full three weeks. What's troubling Betty? Lets hope it doesn't continue.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Battle Royale!

I always forget about Justin Long. He showed up at all of girlfriend Drew Barrymore's premiere for Whip It. He looks dashing. I love him in the grey suit, with that pop of red tie. I mean he is just adorable. And he is funny. He is another one of those good guys. The ones who support you in everything.

I popped in Accepted the other night and relived its brilliance. That's the movie where you ask yourself why college doesn't have a giant white board with all the classes written on it. I want to take bumper stickers too!

I watched with a bunch of my friends including some first timers. That movie is addicting. So many gems you catch a new one every time.


I love Rachel. I love her. I am even willing to love Hayden because I love her. That's big freaking deal. I hardly ever agree to love someone just for their significant other. It rarely happens.

This picture made my Sunday morning. A girl who carries around her own hot sauce is a girl who I want to be friends with. And I don't even like hot sauce. And what is it with Arizona iced tea? Is it phenomenon or what? I wish I liked tea. I feel like I am not a Southerner because I don't like tea.

Fire Up The Hibachi!

Sorry for the long absence bloggers. Many busy days not too much striking gossip. But there is nothing better to return to then one of my favorites, Kristen Bell. I love Kristen because she will always be Veronica. It crushed me to read that she might be headed down the dark road.

I hate that she is dating that Dax fellow. I feel like she could do so much better. She needs a Deputy Leo (Court, I know you caught this, Theo not so much) Nice boys are the way to go. Always go for the nice ones.

I love her dress. I love how petite she is, it makes her move lovable for some reason.